Forum Discussion

Harvard's avatar
May 30, 2018

Ford admits to "Generic Alignment"

I never thought I would live to see the day that Ford actually admitted to the "generic alignment".

Ford Generic Alignment

Thanks to handle "ruffingit" for the posting the experience.
  • Let me explain, a "generic alignment" is a "tweak the toe and you are good to go" alignment off the production line. That is the same alignment you will get from the "Ford Truck Center" with the complete RV build after ownership.

    Mean while the driver gets to fight with a wandering beast that has only 3.5 degrees of caster AFTER having the full official blessing from the front end (production) to back end (dealership) of the "Ford Motor Company".

    We should be able to take our Ford E350/E450 RVs into a Ford Truck Center and have the caster changed from +3.5 degrees to at least +5.5 degrees for safety reasons. Period. It does not happen that way, the dealerships hide behind the +1.5 to +7.2 caster specification.

  • I don't see anything wrong there.
    The vehicle's alignment is going to change drastically after several tons are added to it so no matter what they do, it wont be right after the upfitter does their thing.
    Generally new vehicle warranties allow for a wheel alignment so that's what new owners should do when they buy.
  • I actually think a “generic” is fine for a bare bones chassis, and that after the RV manufacturer gets done with the MH they should do a final alignment. Ford has no knowledge that a manufacturer may do things to the chassis such as shortening the thing.