catkins wrote:
Ok, OK - I KNOW it is very dependent upon speed and weight. I am driving a 37' Chevy Workhorse MH that gets 6.3 MPG driving under 60MPH. Rig is getting a little tired and we are starting to look at a new RV.
So, for you real life users of a 34-37' MH on the Ford chassis - what kind of mileage are you getting. I know my results might vary. Thanks in advance for your input.
Fuel mileage depends largely on power to weight ratio of any coach, and of course one's driving habits.
With the size and weight of your coach, your fuel mileage of 6.3mpg should be fairly average unless most of your travel is on flat terrain with no headwinds, then it's a bit low.
Our 37'8" 2000 coach powered by the v10 gets between 6.5 & 7mpg driving speeds of 60mph. Living out west, we travel over quite a few mountain grades.
On one occasion this summer traveling on flat terrain and probably with a strong tail wind we actually got a whopping 10.019 mpg. Extremely rare and most likely never happen again, but I'll take it anytime I can....:B
Good luck with your choice of a new coach and safe travels..:)