Looking to purchase around a 36 ft class a motorhome to go full timing and wondering how the ford V10 is holding up. Will be towing a vehicle with it also. Please give good and bad points.
You will hear some say more noisey than others. I think some manufacturers put more insulation in the engine cover. I have a 34' MH V10 and tow a Jeep. My MH has a 4.3 axle. I had 2 F250s with V10s. Still have 1 besides MH. F250 has 4.10 axle and tows very well. I had an F250 V10 with a 3.75 axle and it was a little week for towing. In MHs the larger size MHs have a 6.2 axle. Ford got it right with the V10.