Forum Discussion

homerbw's avatar
Jul 02, 2015

Ford V10 no starting power

Hello Ford owners, I cranked up the motor home two weeks ago with no problem but the engine rpm would go up and down slightly. Nothing I thought would be a problem until recently when I went to start up the engine and the dash would not light up or starter crank the engine. I checked the battery which had a full charge and cleaned the connections but still no crank or dash power. I cleaned the connections to the starter and a couple ground wires but still nothings working at the dash or starter. I do hear a weak muffled thump when I turn the ignition. I checked the salesman switch but it seems to be working. When I cleaned the starter wires I accidentally touched the hot wire to a ground and the starter engaged so I know power is getting to the starter. I found no power going to half the battery control box so when I added power the dash came alive but still no cranking available to start the engine. Please help me with any ideas you have.