RVUSA wrote:
Wow this one was like walking into a dog pound with a whole lot pent up frustration.
I cant wait until January, some of you will be foaming at the keyboards waiting to pounce on people.
You are right. This guy received maybe more criticism than he deserved. I jumped on him simply because it struck a nerve with me. Back in the day I was a mechanic. I used to have people bring in cars and trucks held together with bubble gum and duct tape. (This is not to say the OP's vehicle was like that). They self diagnosed their problem, and had me do the work. Well, if the work they asked me to do did not fix the problem, then it was viewed as my fault, even though I did what they asked. Further, once you replace something, anything that goes wrong down the road it is viewed as the fault of the mechanic who last touched the vehicle, even if the problem was completely unrelated.
To the OP, I really sympathize with your friends problem. I know it hurts both financially and emotionally. Next time, before you create a post blaming someone for a problem, have your facts lined up. Otherwise, angry ex mechanics like myself read way too much into it.