Effy wrote:
So, if it should be level then how does it operate the same while going down the road? I think a lot of this is conjecture. Works fine on either while travelling I would think it would work fine if it wasn't 100% level parked. I don't know if it's over thinking or what but I think a lot of folks on this forum borrow trouble.
Here is direct quote from Dometic:
If the refrigerator is operated when it is not level and the vehicle is not moving, liquid ammonia will accumulate in sections of the evaporator tubing. This will slow the circulation of hydrogen and ammonia gas, or in severe cases, completely block it, resulting in a loss of cooling.
Any time the vehicle is parked for several hours with the refrigerator operating, the vehicle should be leveled to prevent this loss of cooling. The vehicle needs to be leveled only so it is comfortable to live in (no noticeable sloping of floor or walls).
When the vehicle is moving, the leveling is not critical, as the rolling and pitching movement of the vehicle will pass to either side
of level, keeping the liquid ammonia from accumulating in the evaporator tubing.Similar verbiage from Norcold.
Much ado about nothing.......I don't think so. Off level will kill an absorption fridge cooling unit