Crickeydog, my 40+ years of reading & experience is consistent with yours up to the introduction of the V-10 gas engine. From that point on it became a matter of personal preference up to about 27,000 CGVW. Above that diesel is the only option. The V-10, with synthetic fluids, has durability for RV'ers equivalent to diesel engines - the owner gets tired of the coach, or chooses not to do the necessary refurbishment well before the engine is an issue. Before the V-10 big blocks required a major overhaul at 80-100k miles .
10 years ago diesel was cheap compared to gas. Today prices are reversed.
For 27,000 and below the real difference is pay $30k up front for the diesel, or pay it over the next 10 years for the gasser.
Above 27,000 CGVW it's a completely different world: stronger frames enable different ride systems and deluxe features and capacity simply not possible otherwise.
I downsized 2 years ago, and am encountering a significant number of folks who either have, or are investigating, exchanging the big rigs for 30' and below. In most cases, like mine, it's an age thing and/or a desire to get back to places (state parks, forest campgrounds, etc) big rigs simply can't go, or are competing for only a couple of sites per park. Then the paradox: big rigs have big tanks - small rigs have small tanks. Just the opposite of what's needed in parks with less robust facilities. But then, it's just a matter of expectations: my first rig had 10 gallons fresh water, a wobble pump, no holding tank, no bath, and only 5 gallons of propane -- and we loved it. Engine technology today will enable diesel engines to be downsized to give RV'ers a personal choice.
IMHO the issue of gas vs diesel is not the relevant issue any more. Your desired RV lifestyle can be had with either.
RV History:
10 foot Cabover P/U camper - Ford 352 V8 - 10 years - 100k miles
23 foot Class A - Dodge 413 V8 - 20 years - 95k miles
20 foot Class B - Ford 460 V8 - 1 year - 10k miles
20 foot Class B+ - Dodge 360 - 3 years - 40k miles (130k miles on eng)
35 foot Class A - Ford V-10 - 12 years - 130k miles
24 foot Class C - Mercedes V6 diesel - 2 years -17k miles (current)