Forum Discussion

Licreek's avatar
Nov 01, 2017

Full time RV insurance

Good morning, I wondered if I could get a few insurance company names that offer true full time RV insurance? And if you dare post it the annual rate?? Thanks, Lee
  • I posted the same info on the full timer section the insurance is specific to you so my rate wont help much with a different record credit score different Motorhome etc For what its worth Im with progressive via a independent agent

    Call a independent agent. Miller In Lake Oswego Oregon or Overland in AZ are two I called. There are several others like C&C insurance. Google them for numbers They can compare rates on those companies that do write real Full timers Insurance
    No reason not to use a agent ..same cost
    get quotes annually from several agents would be my advice using the same ins coverage amounts
  • Progressive offers true fulltimers insurance, but rates are very much dependent on factors such as your RV specifics, domicile location, your loss history, your credit rating, etc., make getting your own quotes the only way to get an accurate rate from any insurance company. Comparison with others rates are pretty meaningless, since just being domiciled in the next county can make a significant difference.
  • I know Progressive is one that writes full time policies.