Forum Discussion

supercub's avatar
Feb 18, 2014

Full Wall Slide ??

Looking at an 07 Monaco product (Safari) with a full wall slide, just looking for comments pro and con concerning them. Are there many problems, mechanical or otherwise associated with them? Thanks
  • You can talk to a tech or you can talk to an owner. WE are happy owners. Only you can decide. We enjoy ours. Larry
  • We bought our rig used and it has a single, full wall slide. It was a bit out of alignment and had it adjusted. Closes flush every time, no problems.
  • JimM68 wrote:
    lanerd wrote:
    When we were looking for a new coach, we had narrowed our choice down to one make/model that had two different floor plans. One had a full wall slide and the other had four slides. We opted for the four slide due to one reason. With the full slide, the wet bay would be located under the slide....with the four slides, the wet bay was inbetween the slides and easily accessed.

    Minor detail, I know...


    Again I skip ahead. but yes Ron, that was a consideration when picking our current coach. I hate bashing my head, tho I am quite good at it.

    How about a full wall slide on the passenger side?
    Never seen that.
    Would let the awning be attached to the slide not the bus (and extend its coverage a couple feet)
    Would be a good way to get over the (I hate a passenger side slide) syndrome without losing any interior space.

    My full wall is on the passenger side and it is spectacular. Love, love, love it.....and I can camp curbside without being a menace 2 society.
  • Basically, those that don't have one find an excuse or reason that they dislike them. Those that do have them seem to like them. We like ours very much with zero problems.

    Choose whatever floor plan you like and just go camping.

  • lanerd wrote:
    When we were looking for a new coach, we had narrowed our choice down to one make/model that had two different floor plans. One had a full wall slide and the other had four slides. We opted for the four slide due to one reason. With the full slide, the wet bay would be located under the slide....with the four slides, the wet bay was inbetween the slides and easily accessed.

    Minor detail, I know...


    Again I skip ahead. but yes Ron, that was a consideration when picking our current coach. I hate bashing my head, tho I am quite good at it.

    How about a full wall slide on the passenger side?
    Never seen that.
    Would let the awning be attached to the slide not the bus (and extend its coverage a couple feet)
    Would be a good way to get over the (I hate a passenger side slide) syndrome without losing any interior space.
  • supercub wrote:
    Looking at an 07 Monaco product (Safari) with a full wall slide, just looking for comments pro and con concerning them. Are there many problems, mechanical or otherwise associated with them? Thanks

    Regardless of the floor plan and besides it looking like a gymnasium on the inside of the coach when the slide is extended, one of the major problems of a full wall slide is the fact that many, are driven by, up to (4) separate motors. And, each of those motors and operating controls, MUST BE IN FLAWLESSLY PERFECT SYNC in order for that slide to retract and or, extend. If just one of them gets out of sync, the entire slide stays out and, of the threads I've read where that's happened, no one's been able to get it back in without having a tech come out and do it.

    Now, just how many times that happens, who knows. But, another very important aspect to consider is, with no slides at all, you have a pretty solid, basic frame/structure 360 degrees around that coach. Now, add any slides and, you've eliminated some of that structure and strength. Now, add a full wall slide, you've lost a serious amount of structural strength in that side of the coach.

    I'TS A BIG HOLE! Sure, it gives you the feeling of a monsterous room, like being in a stix & brix house but, at what could be, a serious cost. I'm not trying to scare you, or diswade you from purchasing one. You asked for opinions and this one is mine. I personally will not even consider one. It's a matter of personal preference.

    The wife and I don't even like slides on the passenger side because we sit outside our coach quite a bit and, we think it detracts from usable outside space. Again, it's a preference. You have to decide what's right for you.

    Here's what my last thought on it would be. I'd go directly to a quality RV repair center and talk not necessarily to a supervisor or, service writer but, I'd try and go directly to a tech that works on those full wall slides and get a very first hand opinion, of thought AND EXPERIENCE of those full wall slides and, what is good (if any) and bad about them. Just some thoughts here, Good luck.
  • When we were looking for a new coach, we had narrowed our choice down to one make/model that had two different floor plans. One had a full wall slide and the other had four slides. We opted for the four slide due to one reason. With the full slide, the wet bay would be located under the slide....with the four slides, the wet bay was inbetween the slides and easily accessed.

    Minor detail, I know...

  • We did find a few RV parks where we had to ask for another site. If we call ahead we always tell them we have a full slide. The other thing that is suggested and different from other RVs is the jacks Vs slide operation. My manual says to open slide before using the jacks because of flexing in the chassis and possible damage. My slide is hydraulic and haven't had any problems so far. It is pretty roomy with the large slide.
  • One to think about is where you like to go, are there obstructions that would keep you from opening the slide? This can happen with smaller slides even.

    With multiple slides you have the option of "straddling" the obstruction or even leaving one smaller slide in if required.