Forum Discussion

charlestown's avatar
Jul 14, 2014

gas mileage with a v10

hello im getting ready to buy a 31ft Minnie Winnie with a v10 after doing a little research im hearing best mileage is 6.8 I thought maybe it would be around 8 or 9 can anybody tell me their mileage on a similar motor home thanks mark
  • CloudDriver wrote:
    We have the 24ft Minnie in my sig below. Over the past 50,000 miles, we have averaged 9.5mpg driving mostly at 55-60mph.

    X2.... What he said(we only have put 17,500 miles on our 24' C). :B
  • We have had our Minnie 29B with two slides for 6 years and have averaged between 8-9 mpg. we tow a Suzuki Sidekick.
  • We rented a 31' Winnie with one slide in AK and got 8.5 on average for three weeks.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Funny the OP mentions 6.8 since that's about what we get. Our 31 in signature has no slides but has a steel "floor" frame, not the modern aluminum. That takes its scale weight into the high 13,000's and with our toad we're about 17,500. Very rarely can I calculate an MPG better than 7. With our 55-gallon tank I plan a fuel stop no farther than 300 miles (7 x 50 gallons = 350). That's a "reserve" of around 5-gal/50 miles do bone dry, which I know it can't do.
  • I have a 29' Class C. I discovered on a recent trip that if I leave the cruise control OFF I tend to get better mileage. I averaged 8.6 MPG overall on the 2,000 mile trip without cruise. I normally drive around 60 MPH.
  • We have the 24ft Minnie in my sig below. Over the past 50,000 miles, we have averaged 9.5mpg driving mostly at 55-60mph.
  • Overall average on a 3000 mile trip from Maine to Orlando averaged 8.5-- was as high as 13 in middle of night thru NJ turnpike; around Maine/NH with mix of highway and two lane roads I tend to be just under 8. All figures are running loaded with gear for family of 5 (my kids do NOT travel light LOL). I run with cab A/C on and usually 60/65 on highway.
  • Mine may not be similar enough - I'm 30' stem to stern, 18,000 lbs, and tow a CRV. My Chassis is a Workhorse 8.1 and I cruise at 60mph. I average 8.5 mpg on level roads with minimal head/tail wind. Speed and headwinds decrease by as much as 2mpg; tailwinds can sometimes add 1.5 mpg.
  • In a class C, with the V10, you can expect 8-9 MPG. It will improve drastically when less or averaging 55 MPH, at 62 you can expect 8-9 depending on the hills, around 70 you can expect 7-8 MPG.

    Don't worry to much about it, and enjoy the camping!

    Your insurance bill and oil changes for the year will probably be more than the fuel bill, if you are only going about 5,000 miles per year, that is about 500 gallons of gas.
