Forum Discussion

David0725's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 07, 2014


Sorry for asking once again! I have a 1994 Onan 7.5 DKD FJ/56905D On the last trip out it ran for 3 days straight when I got home and turned it off it has never started up again? It just turns over no smoke nothing coming out the pip. So today I tried a little gas on a rag hold it over the intake and it tried to start and run. So I thought ok it a fuel thing I took the filter off and hit the button and the fuel did come out I replaced the filter with a new still wont start. Any suggestions what to do next? And where would you fill good taking it to get looked at? where does everyone buy there parts for these? I appreciate any info you can share
  • Did you check the oil level? It probably has a low oil level shutoff.
  • Thanks guy this is a Diesel generator so there is no carb or spark. I do need to look at all the electrical stuff though. @ Falconbrother. I spent 3 day at Mud muckers ATV park. I have done it many times it ran all 3 days I drove it the house 1 hr away and turn it off it was next day I went to start it and it didn't start.
  • Since it tried to start there's a good chance you have spark. I'd make sure anyway. And, you say you saw fuel but, I'd confirm anyway. Make sure the pump is working and you're getting proper fuel.

    Question.. Once you got home from the trip where you ran the generator for three days, how long was it before you started it again? If it was within hours I would be a little less suspicious of the carb. My suspicions would go to the electrical system of the generator set. If something like the voltage regulator is shot the generator wont run, with the switch released. On mine it was running great then it wouldn't start except while holding the switch down. It was the voltage regulator. I had previously confirmed that I had spark and that there was plenty of fuel coming from the pump. I also felt pretty comfortable that the brushes were clean and in good working order.
  • one other thing to check is the oil if they are low that will stop them from running. besides the fuel level.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I'd say he checked that but it is true it is normally 1/4 tank or more but I have read of a few where it was 1/3 or more to power the gen.

    But in your case.. Sounds like carb problems.
  • on alot of rv,s if the main fuel tank is at a quater full the gen set won,t run, its to keep the owner from runing the tank dry.