RCMAN46 wrote:
The I70 to 191/6 is the way to go.
The 191/6 is a two lane road with a truck passing lane on most of the grades.
There are several grades in the 6% range that are short about one mile from bottom to top then down hill for a mile. Then several miles relative flat then another grade.
The problem! there is a fair amount of truck traffic. You may catch a truck on a up hill. But if he is going within 10 mph of your desired or capable speed up the hill I recommend you follow him to the top. On the down side the truck will most likely get into the 80mph range and if you stick with posted speed or in my case 65 mph as that is my max tow speed you will not see that truck again.
But if you pass him on the up grade he will be very close to your tail going down the down side and will pass you when you think he should not. Now the problem! you have held him up and you will most likely catch him on the next up grade only to go through all of this again. The second time the trucker will push you much harder.
By slowing down to let the truck over the hill may cost you 5 minutes of time on the whole trip.
Now you why I don't like that route. The accident rate is too high, lots of people will pass on double yellow.