Always test any suggested method before washing the rig to make sure it is appropriate for your finish; follow your manufactures recommendation.
I wash with Dawn dish soap or baby shampoo. Window washers T bar, microfiber head or I prefer lambswool heads. Be gentle and try a small area first. If you have hard water I found dishwasher Jet Dry, the blue stuff you add to the dishwasher helps stop the water spots, again try in a small area out of sight. The handle is adjustable so you can wash the coach from the ground, no ladder required. Plus it's handy at fuel stops for washing the windshield.
Use Sealants Polymer liquid formula. Do not use polish or paste wax. Protect both the finish paint or fiberglass and decals.
Good post on WIT web site.
Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax! it is not really a wax but a sealant. This synthetic polymer wax offers the ultimate shine and paint protection in an easy-to-apply liquid formula. Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax does not leave white stains on trim.
Blow dry if possible; one person recommended a leaf blower, sounds like something to try. At least your not rubbing the finish with a towel.
Do not use anything other than soapy water on the plastic lens covering your head lights they will cloud over time.
Stay away from chemicals if possible.
I hope that helps.