Daveinet wrote:
There is really very little about RVing that makes financial sense. Most of the time, you do things because you want to, not because it is financially prudent. RVing is fun. You do things to the RV that make it more fun. About the only real logical question one needs to ask, is if they mind being married to it till death do you part. If it is the RV you want to be driving for the next 10+ years, then you go for it. If not, then bail before spend one more dime.
I like this post. It is not all about the money and what something is worth in dollars. It is about spending money in a manner that fits your situation and desires. It is also a case of take one path or the other, but don't expect to be able to switch from one to the other after you have passed the fork in the road.
I came to a fork in the road in my case as well. I needed to either keep running my coach with its original 440 or switch it to diesel now. I took the fork of switching my coach to diesel. Once I took that branch, there is no turning back and, like Dave has said, I am effectively married to my coach for the duration. But, I had figured out that I WAS married to it anyway so it was just a question of what it was worth to ME to make the changes.
I thought about that question for a long time and decided that it was worth it to ME. Yes, I am putting about $15,000 into a 1976 model year coach and it will not change the finacial value near that much. As they say, the only way I can get that value out of it is to drive it out of it. I will be going from about 225 hp and 350 ft lbs of torque to 350 hp and 650 ft lbs of torque with a 14,500 lb coach. I am replacing the perfectly good running 440 with a 2006 Duramax TD coupled to an Allison 1000 with double overdrive (6 speeds total)tramsmission.
Given that I am going from gas to diesel, my situation is a LOT more complicated than the OP's situation and choices. I and a friend are doing the work in my case and the OP will be doing his own work. I have learned a lot and am going to have the satisfaction of having done it.
And, yes, Dave is right in that when it is done, there will be the vainity issue I will have to control when going up a hill and passing other coaches while towing!
I and Dave and some others are a small minority when it comes to the decsion as to whether to fix and contunue driving what we have vs dumping and switching. As has been said, the most important decision right now is "Do I want to drive THIS coach for the next 6-10 years?" If it is not a strong YES, then lick your wounds and start looking for your next coach. If it is a strong YES, then dig in and start learning and having fun rebuilding your coach.