I like HR Imperials, good looking old coach's. A couple things that haven't been mentioned, cooling system and fuel supply. The fact you lost a rod bearing means the radiator heat exchanger is probably fouled with debris. A repower means new not reman water pump, make sure it's correct for the motorhome application, hoses, clamps and thermostat, need replacement and cost money. A pusher electric fuel pump is always a good thing, with the pusher mounted back by the fuel tank. However as your coach has throttle body fuel injections it might have a pump in the tank. What ever now would be the time to change that pump, requires dropping the fuel tank. The transmission you have is a first design 4L80, I prefer those units over the later ones however it probably needs to be refreshed as it getting old, rubber seals and all get weary with time. I've been through this repower drill many times over the years, only because it's my business, and I have the facility and equipment to make it happen. I'd take a hard look under the coach, if it's rusty under there I'd probably forget a repower. You need to an disinterested experienced third party to look the situation over before you start taking things apart.