After I replaced my RV's carpet with tile I re-carpeted the doghouse with some funky light-gray shag. As mentioned above, use the old pieces as patterns. Even in ripped-up shape, they are a big help and will cut down on waste. Attach to doghouse with regular contact cement (paint brush style in a can, not a tube). The secret is to form the carpet pieces to the fiberglass curves using very light warming of the backing with a heat gun on LOW or a blow dryer on medium heat. The backing will take the shape of the curves (even compound curves) easily! I couldn't believe it. Then slobber some glue on both surfaces, wait a minute or two, then STICK THEM TOGETHER. Kind of fun actually. The shag made matching the edges less of a chore. I did ours with 6 pieces.
edit: I recounted> 8 pieces counting the surrounding humpy part + the lid.