Forum Discussion

Forester_727's avatar
Jan 31, 2015

Houston - We have a Problem! Home RV Pad

I need your help! We just installed a RV pad at the house. Here is the problem. The street is bowed in the middle and slopes to each side towards the sidewalk. The RV drive way slopes down towards the street.

First attempt to pull nose in and the rear overhang got stuck in the street asphalt. The chassis has two triangle metal bars that stick down - thus protecting the body from bottoming out. I did get stuck, however and I had to jack up the rear to back out. The triangle bars were digging into the street as I was attempting to back out.

I think, I need to get the rear up about 8 inches to clear. The RV is a 2008 Winnebago Sightseer 35J on a F53 Chassis. Potential solution: Add air bags to the chassis and rollers to the rear.

Will this work? Is there an air bag application for the F53 that will give me say 6 inches of rear lift. Will the rollers make up for the other two inches that I need,

Any other ideas.
