For the first question, definitely stay on I-10. If you do that, try Steven F. Austin State Park in San Felipe, which is just west of Katy, a Houston suburb. Beautiful setting and has a golf course. As Dennis said, Lake Conroe (40 mi. N of downtown H-Town) and Galveston(40 Mi S) both on I-45 have great state park or forest service camps. I recommend Camp Cagle (Forest Service) at the NE corner of Lake Conroe to everyone. State Park in Galveston is also nice. Just a hint about Galveston in the summer: There is a rule of thumb in Houston that if you come from either coast, give yourself a year before going to the beach in Galveston or you will be depressed. Not what you are used to on the first and second coasts. In the summer, with the humidity (90) pretty much the sky, the water and the sand all seem gray.