Forum Discussion

  • judelaurenzo25g wrote:
    The same coach is listed on RVtrader for 54K by Mike Thompson. Link here

    Actually it's not the same coach, and that's a used MH. ;)
  • Assuming the "List Price" is a real mfr list price and not a made up one from the dealer, you should be able to easily get in for under $53,400 including all the goodies that a dealer would throw in - like hoses, full gas tank, full propane etc etc etc. So start lower. If you plan on having financing via the dealer, that should be worth another $2,000 off and similar discounts to you should you agree to all his other expensive but profitable to the dealer add ons - extended warranty, special finish protectors etc etc etc. Make sure the dealer has your name and phone number written down and that you are a serious buyer before you talk deal. Decide your offer, write down your terms, READ it all to the dealer and when he says "no", walk away and patiently wait for a couple of days for him to call.
  • from what I see they marked it down 20%, I would give them an offer at 33% and go from there
  • Actually many dealers will giver lower prices on financed RV's as they get a kick back from the finance companies.
  • Hard to say. If you are paying cash they will probably negotiate a lower price. Financing, maybe not. All you can do is make a lesser offer.
  • You mean 'get this for'? That specific C has a pending offer.