dougrainer wrote:
Dennis12 wrote:
I can never figure out why they put the recommended tire pressure on the tires. You don't know either do ya. Silly tire people.
Never seen recommended tire pressure on any tire. That is the MAX tire pressure for that tire. The correct tire pressure is listed on the VIN sticker on Trailers and Motorhomes. That is the pressure that the OEM recommends for your weight RV. Unless a customer tells me different, I put the pressure based on the OEM VIN sticker for that RV. ANYBODY installing the Max listed on a tire has no business filling tires. Doug
Pretty much correct. The first thing any one of us needs to realize is, when ANYONE other than ourselves even touches our coaches, WE need to re-check the work or, areas in question. The second thing WE all need to realize is, you don't have to be college educated to work at a tire store or, even a dealership. So, by DOT, local, state and federal ordinances, quite some time ago, a directive was handed out, almost nationwide that all techs, in just about any credited repair facility, including dealerships, MUST check all tire pressures and inflate to mfg recommended psi. It has to do with SAFETY and, an attempt to potentially increase fuel mileage.
But, again, the super intelligent people at many tire places, simply look on the tire and see a max pressure. They interpret that as the RECOMMENDED pressure. I've had it done way more than once. While it is a great practice to make sure your customer leaves your facility with at least the correct pressure in their tires, as we've seen and read here, it may not always be right.