Forum Discussion

booten's avatar
Oct 14, 2016

I need a driver side wiper arm?

I have to replace the wiper arm on our MH. The old one broke off. Where can I find the numbers at on the MH to order new arm?
  • This is a place that will have your wiper arm, as well as other wiper items. Personally I would take Mr. Mark up on his offer if it fits your coach.
    AM equipment
  • have read here on forum some get them at truck stops or napa auto parts
  • Booten, I have a new 'un-used' wiper arm in plastic that fit our 2008 Monaco Dynasty diesel coach (driver's side). I'm not sure if the gas model used the same wiper system but I know we both had huge windshields.

    I bought two wiper arms when ours broke while driving in a hard rain. I didn't want to be stuck if the new one broke again so I bought an extra.

    We can communicate privately if you are interested. (exchange pics, etc., of the wiper arm).

  • Roger, if you can't get one from your dealer, you may be forced to check on line for the part.
  • booten wrote:
    I have to replace the wiper arm on our MH. The old one broke off. Where can I find the numbers at on the MH to order new arm?

    year make and model of your motor home will help?