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Trigger_Happy's avatar
Dec 15, 2014

Jack repair in SoCal ?

I'm looking for a good hydraulic shop to repair a Power Gear leveling jack. I can remove it if I could find a place in SoCal to replace the seals and "O" rings.

Thanks for the replies.
  • Trigger Happy wrote:
    Should have mentioned I'm in Lake Elsinore area. Scott, Lakeside is maybe do able if the "old coot" has a kit or the parts needed. I'll try to give him a call.

    Appreciate any other suggestions.

    SRFD (Chief retired)

    I'm out of Temecula. Call Redlands Truck & RV. If they can't handle it, they will know who can.
  • Trigger Happy wrote:
    Should have mentioned I'm in Lake Elsinore area. Scott, Lakeside is maybe do able if the "old coot" has a kit or the parts needed. I'll try to give him a call.

    Appreciate any other suggestions.

    SRFD (Chief retired)

    One retire fireman to another, You're most certainly welcome. Between the Elsinore area and, Lakeside, there could be quite a few more Hydraulics repair places. I'd figure there might be even one in Elsinore. It's not that small of a town. Just south of you, you've got Carlsbad, Oceanside, and then there's San Diego which, while I've not had any hydraulic work done there, I'm sure there's at least a half dozen of them. But, Hogans Hydraulics I'm sure would and could do the job for you.

    It's a bit of a pain in a$$ to get to, if you haven't been there. If you exhaust all other possibilities and can't find any, I'll be glad to talk you right up to his front door. This old guy had about a thousand hydraulic jacks, floor jacks, tractor rams, and much more, laying all over the place. I thought I'd need a Haz Mat suit just to enter the place.

    I showed him my 1" diameter ram from my bedroom slide and told him it had some bad O-rings in it. I asked him if he could handle it. He grabbed it out of my hands, went over to an extremely oily work bench, opened a few drawers of smaller O-rings and found some that fitted the grooves on the 5/8" diameter piston. He managed to find a clean rag, and wipe everything down. He then put it all back together which, took about 30 seconds and, tested it out with air.

    I said, "This is a hydraulic ram, not an air ram. He replied: IT'LL WORK!!!!!!! Well, he was right. That little job cost me $60.00 and a total of about 30 minutes and I was out of there. It's been leak-less ever since. Way better than waiting for HWH to send me one at the cost of $280.00 or so, plus shipping and, the time wasted waiting.

    Anyway, check around for closer possibilities. If you can't find any, PM me and I'll guide you right to his place. Good luck.

    P.S. On edit: What I forgot to mention earlier is, it's too bad that Power Gear got too big for their britches. They used to be a good company and be kind to the little guy, that's you and me. On our previous coach, a '99 Fleetwood Bounder 34V, I developed a leak on left rear jack. I dug around and found the part number and called Power Gear, way back about 10 years ago. They told me the price and I said: "Ship it". They shipped me that rebuild kit for that jack. As I recall, it was about $90.00 plus shipping. And it was a totally new gland nut, that fits on the end, with new and improved seals.

    But, since then, they no longer deal with regular folks like you and me. They only deal with businesses. Now, I don't know how well equipped you are with tools, a work bench etc. but, those jacks are incredibly simple to rebuild. If you could get an RV repair or service center to order you the original kit for it, and have it shipped to them and you get it from them, you're in business. But, I'll leave that up to you. Your choice.
  • Should have mentioned I'm in Lake Elsinore area. Scott, Lakeside is maybe do able if the "old coot" has a kit or the parts needed. I'll try to give him a call.

    Appreciate any other suggestions.

    SRFD (Chief retired)
  • Trigger Happy wrote:
    I'm looking for a good hydraulic shop to repair a Power Gear leveling jack. I can remove it if I could find a place in SoCal to replace the seals and "O" rings.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Trigger Happy,
    Yes, you didn't say where in So Cal you are at so, there are a few in the San Diego area but, the one I can recommend is called "Hogans Hydraulics". It's located in the Sycamore Canyon area of Lakeside CA. It's hard to find and, a dingy type place but, the old "coot" that owns and runs the place is dead on with his hydraulics. It cost me a whopping $60.00 for him to rebuild a ram from my slide in the bed room slide.

    It would have cost me $285.00 from HWH for the same ram. It's been in there now for three years and hasn't leaked a drop and works flawless.
  • Machines up in Huntington Beach did mine 714 841-6499. But I did take it off and took it down to him. He said he would also take them off.
  • Trigger, you don't say exactly where in Southern California that you are located but I have had excellent service from Redlands RV and Performance shop in Redlands, CA. If they can do it, it will be done right. Do not go to Colton Truck in Colton. Dud.

  • That's funny and so true. I'm just not sure those shops would work on my MH it's not a low rider.
  • With all the hydraulic low riders in California, I would think there would be a hydraulic shop on every corner!