I, too, have a Cardboard Hoard. Our RV's on a concrete pad, and that's hard to slide around on. A creeper eats up too much clearance needed by my old body. Besides, on a creeper, when I wrench, I tend to move, not the fastener.
Last oil change... I had a big steel tray. One of those Drip Pans we used to have to have under older cars. Surely big enough... Nope. Lost grip on the Filter. It came down on the Funnel inside the Jug I had under the Filter. That was enough to bounce the Filter out of the Drip Pan. Didn't roll toward me, either. Rolled till it stopped against a front tire, spinning oil out as it went.
QUICKLY cleaned the concrete up with towels, brake spray, and detergent. Included jacking the wheel up because oil got in the tread grooves.
Sprayed it all down with the garden hose, then continued the Oil and Filter Change...After I dismantled the Otter Box to dry my Cell Phone...
An Oil/Filer Change I'd've gladly paid for...
Note to Self: Pan PLUS Cardboard. Punch a drain hole in the bottom of the filter. This isn't usually needed when the filter is vertical with the gasket UP, like the 820S on V10. But V10 has the Oil Cooler Adapter above the Filter, and a LOT of oil wants to come down when the Filter is loosened. Which is why I lost grip on the filter. Drain hole should allow both Filter and Cooler to be mostly empty when Filter comes off.
I punch a hole in the filter on the boat engine, which is Gasket Down.
Just be sure to make sure the Filter turns a tweak in the Off Direction before poking the hole! Don't want a hole in a filter that just won't budge...