I'm sort of on same project here is what I've found out about wheel covers.
If I don't watch mine they rotate against my valve extenders. I was looking for the "fix" and called an outfit near Seattle and the regular order guy was on vacation and lady covering for him gave me a number for guy with Phoenix USA Inc (Cookeville TV phone 931 526 6128) that was covering any problems she had with customers while their regular guy was on vacation.
He supposedly was the "expert" with these things. Talked with him for sometime, I ended up ordering
http://www.autoamenity.com/images/stawires5.jpg that might solve my problem. But he also ID'd my problem and it is that wheels covers rotating on rim or coming off are a matter or not enough grip metal on metal. Or the little metal teeth things against the metal rim. And said what some in the know do as a short cut strips of foam at four places on rim. Like at 12 o'clock and 6 and 9 and 3 and 3 and about 4 inches long. The type of foam is packing foam that is little bit thicker than couple sheets of paper. If that doesn't work not much help with anything else according to their "expert".
So that is my next step. Also found out the Dicor the same folks that make other RV stuff has a major stake in wheel products for Rv's and might supply more of these than anybody else. Also found out there are a ton of cheap china knockoffs and most not worth the money.
http://dicorproducts.com/catalog/wheel-products/I know my post is not much help with your problem but might help out with your research.
Was also sent this handy guide for mine
http://dicorproducts.com/images/shared/uploads/files/Fast_liner_Install%26Replacement.pdf Pretty useless but a couple good things in there.