I looked closely at Kielderman and came close to doing it. I questioned them about the mounting as there is a hole drilled in the bottom flange of the frame. IMO that is not a great idea without beefing up the frame in that area. I sent them an e-mail and had no response to the question. I called them and who ever I talked to sounded like he had less technical knowledge than a hog. Answer was "we have done a lot of them that way." That doesn't mean it is correct. He didn't have an answer when I asked who picked up the tab if the frame failed. Talked to the dealer and got the same reply. So many when they called Kielderman they didn't know they were an authorized dealer.
Ended up going with Sumo's. I feel that I only got a 30% improvement on ride and maybe 20% improvement on handling. Not what I was expecting.