bullydogs1 wrote:
My fridge works great and I have no issues with it...If it fails or the cooling unit goes south then I would replace with residential...it is also going to be hell getting the old one out and it has worked just fine which is why I let it be. Then I have to find one that will fit (heard that the Samsung 197 fridge is history)...I had this thing stuffed full to the brim at Christmas and all stayed well..even the desserts...
Bullydogs, I misunderstood your post.... I thought that the use of the fans was an indication there was an issue.
Keep that fridge as long as you can.!!... no sense in replacing a good working unit!
When the time comes for replacement (you may never need to), removing the front windshield is the easiest way without damaging your seats, etc., unless you can remove can the passenger seat.