Forum Discussion

spdrcr's avatar
Dec 02, 2013

kodiak 2008 super c 32b

does anybody know if my 2008 fouwinds kodiak 32b super c motorcoach will fit in a 12ft door?
  • spdrcr wrote:
    no, im getting it dec 10, the specs i found on the internet say with a/c on top 148 inches, wich is a hare over 12ft, but i also read sometimes specs are not correct.
    Keep in mind that spec's sometime are in an "as built" condition. When you fill the gas tank, the propane tank, load the dishes, tools etc. - the springs compress. Don't know if they would compress 4", however. The low-profile A/C might just do it. :)
  • thankyou so much for all the help guys, low profile a/c just might do it!!!!!!!!
  • Hey Sprcr,
    I live up in Wentzville and own a Host 300 Super C. My coach to the top of my a/c unit (highest point) is right at 143" (11'11") Not sure what your OAH is on the Fourwinds but I would remove the a/c cover and measure from that point. You might gain enough clearance to get your rig in that 12' door. Also, goes without saying to make sure the door goes all the way up beyond the door header. Good luck
  • Also, you can always lower the tire pressure and gain additional clearance, or buy a set of smaller diameter tires so you can store it in the shop during the winter. I know swapping tires is a pain in the arse so I don't need any of you old farts griping about the comment. However, these are idea's that are still less expensive than that garage or even an addition to your original garage. As a matter of fact, if I can save you the money for the garage you can just build one up here on my property, then we will both be happy :-)
  • Two ideas.
    1.-Drop the tire pressures and remove AC cover.

    2.-Most garage doors will give you an effective higher opening due to the track radius if pushed open further. The door opening is the problem. Cut a 6" tall by 2' wide opening in the door frame with a removable cover piece.
  • I agree that the specs can be off.... but your "hair over 12 feet" is actually 4 inches!

    Our first garage door measured 11' 5". Our Class C was spec'd at 11' 6". Due to the fact that the driveway was slightly lower than the garage floor, by the time the rear wheels rose up on the concrete floor, the A/C unit was already past the door header. We squeaked through with about 1/4" to spare....... the first time we tried to park in the garage, I was standing on a stepladder next to the door (to get a better perspective on the actual clearance) and Hubby was creeping forward, listening for me to yell "STOP!".

    Since we knew we were CLOSE to getting the MH in the barn, we bought it; and then were prepared to modify the door header if we had to.