Just now getting back to the replies. Thanks! Warming into the 60's here in Northern IN today so I'll get underneath the RV to check for mice damage, tap the motor with a hammer (gently), spray with wd-40, and look for broken wires etc. I will report anything found.
@D.E.Bishop - before I discovered the step was not retracting I did have a very dead engine battery. I charged it up and got it started but I wonder if it might have been due to a short in the step wiring. House batteries are on a trickle charger and were fully charged.
@Bobbo - it's not retracting at all so I probably do not have the same issue you had.
@Gene & jd - the step had been getting slower and creaking when it was operating. No amount of spray lub helped. But as stated above I will try the wd-40 today.