Problem fixed! I unscrewed the ground wire from the chassis because it looked quite rusty then reinstalled. But did not fix the problem. I had a friend put her ear close to the step motor while I turned the ignition key and she could hear a "click" so I figured I had power getting to the step properly. Then I went online to Kwickee and saw a diagram of the motor assembly. Seeing that only 3 bolts held it in place I pulled the motor off and saw it was really, really rusty. I used a wrench to see if the motor shaft would rotate. It did but barely. So as j-d suggested I sprayed wd-40 around the shaft and tried to rotate again. This time it moved. I repeated the wd-40 three times and reattached the motor. Turned on the power and shut the door and the step retracted! Thank you j-d and others. You saved me big $$$$ by not having to have it serviced by a dealer.