Forum Discussion

dtucker3usa's avatar
Mar 24, 2016

Kwikee 2 step system problem.

I have a 1997 damon intruder 352 that the steps have just stopped working. When I switch the button to the on position all I get is 2 clicks. One sounds like it is coming from around or on the motor. The steps are Kwikee 2 step system that has been working fine up until now. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Did the motor go bad???
  • Thanks for all the good info. They have started working again off and on so I'm thinking maybe the door switch or they are binding. Wish me luck.
  • ksg5000 wrote:
    ...text removed....

    If those check out then I would see if the steps are binding. The motor has a swing arm which connects to the steps. You can disconnect that swing arm by removing a cotter pin and 1/4" round bar - once free the step should swing freely (good time to lubricate the step)....text removed

    Just a little info "that I learned the hard way". That 1/4" round bar is in a bind when the steps are extended. You CAN get it out, but you will not easily get it back in. If you are going to remove the 1/4" round bar, first get under the steps and locate the 4 wire connector and get it into position where you can unplug it. Have someone work the steps and you unplug that 4 wire connector when the steps are in mid position. Now the pin is not in a bind and can be easily removed and reinstalled. As noted above, be very careful working under those steps when they are in motion.

  • I found a good video on Vimeo made by Power Gear (the manufacture of Kwikee) and it had great ideas for troubleshooting.
    Please be careful to NOT TO BE UNDER the steps when or if you start playing with the power to them Don't want to get smushed. I found that if I disconnected the power plug when they were up that sometimes when I plugged them back in they would come down for no apparent reason.

    Kwikee Electric Steps Diagnostics

    even though I didn't have their fancy test connector I was able to read the wiring from the RV to be sure that was working and with a couple of jumper wires still tested the steps.
  • Any chance that you accidentally kicked on the battery disconnect switch? Common accident and your listed as "new".
  • Thanks Kevin. I already tried opening them with the engine running and the coach and chassis batteries are both new. I've looked at the ground and it appears to be ok. We are on the road so I can't check the swing arm on the motor. (we are parked on gravel which makes it hard to do anything underneath the coach.) I'll check to see if kwikee still has the pdf on their web site. Thanks for your advice.
  • The most common problem with Kwikee step problems is associated with low battery or corroded ground wire. Either will contribute to low power situation and your steps won't work or act weird. That's a good place to start .. check the ground wire underneath the step - it's exposed and tend to get corroded.

    If those check out then I would see if the steps are binding. The motor has a swing arm which connects to the steps. You can disconnect that swing arm by removing a cotter pin and 1/4" round bar - once free the step should swing freely (good time to lubricate the step). If the step swings freely - leave the step disconnected and have someone open/close the door and see if the swing arm moves with the movement. If you hear the motor hum but the swing arm doesn't move then chances are you have a busted gear. If you hear nothing then it's either a motor issue or maybe a fuse.

    Kwikee used to have a good diagnostic pdf on their website - but they got bought and I am unsure if new owners maintained any of that info.