ksg5000 wrote:
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If those check out then I would see if the steps are binding. The motor has a swing arm which connects to the steps. You can disconnect that swing arm by removing a cotter pin and 1/4" round bar - once free the step should swing freely (good time to lubricate the step)....text removed
Just a little info "that I learned the hard way". That 1/4" round bar is in a bind when the steps are extended. You CAN get it out, but you will not easily get it back in. If you are going to remove the 1/4" round bar, first get under the steps and locate the 4 wire connector and get it into position where you can unplug it. Have someone work the steps and you unplug that 4 wire connector when the steps are in mid position. Now the pin is not in a bind and can be easily removed and reinstalled. As noted above, be very careful working under those steps when they are in motion.