Sorry I didn't mean to discount Doug's reply, I appreciate all responses to my questions. I do think both front and rear levelers are the same. The problem that occurs with the rear levelers being slower than the front is that if I need to raise just one side of the coach, lets say the drivers side, the front leveler will contact the ground first so I can't get even leveling because the front will always be higher than the rear because by the time the rear leveler contacts the ground the front leveler has raised the front at least 4-5 inches. what I have done to kind of compensate for this is lower the rear levelers first to give it that 4-5 inch head start then lower, lets say the drivers side, levelers together and hope they contact the ground together. I guess I could just operate them like that but if I do go to have them worked on "again" I think the more I know about how they are suppose to work will help me. Hope that helps Doug.