Forum Discussion

Big_Kahunna's avatar
Jun 11, 2016

Kwikee Step won't Retract

Hello All,

My Kwikee power step has stopped retracting. The motor runs and makes a clunking grinding sound for about 10 seconds but the step does not retract.

The motorhome is a 2011 Winnebago and the motor on the step was replaced just over a year ago.

Nothing looks out of place or broken, could it be binding or need lube.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • While you're at it, use compressed air or whatever it takes and clean all the joints well, then lubricate.
    Maybe dirt and the lack of lubrication helped cause your problem?
    It's good PM.
  • Sounds like the gears are stripped. Need to take it apart to check. Still under warranty ?