Forum Discussion

ror105's avatar
Aug 08, 2013

Leaky roof, sell as is or try to repair?

Hi Guys,
I haven't been on for a while but I was hoping some of you could provide some advice.

I still have our Winnebago Minnie which we used so much when my sons were younger. The boys are now 12 and going on 7 and we are all so busy with other pursuits in life that we did not get out to camp once this year.

With that being said, my wife and I have decided to sell the motorhome. A while back it had an issue with a leaking front clip, the typical water intrusion that makes a mess out of the overhead bunk area. A year ago I got an estimate to have it fixed and it was around $3100. Other items have come up around the house and it never got taken care of.

My question to you all is, I would like to attempt to sell it as is. I understand I will take a beating on it due to the front clip leaking but the rest of the motorhome is in excellent condition other than a little bit of delamination that has been there since I bought in 2007 and it needs a new awning. Newer tires, fiberglass is clean and shiny, had the e-brake replaced, all new batteries, clean inside, no rust, drives nice, and only 34,000 miles. With the disclosure of the front clip, does anyone have any kind of guess what I should ask for it? Last check on NADA had its value around 20K but I know that someone is going to get it for a lot less due to the water damage and I accept that. I dont want to sink the money into getting it fixed only to find out I cant sell it.

Just looking for some advice from someone who may have gone through this before.

Thanks and god bless,
  • Leaking RV with delam and cab over issues won't be salable to many at any price - whether it's worth investing a few grand depends on the market for your rig which is way beyond my knowledge.
  • Easy for you...
    Be honest and disclose it. Get a current estimate in writing and knock off double that estimate for the buyer. Its going to be a major inconvenience to get it fixed. Who know's what internal damage lies under the leak where you can't see.
  • Not to insult and with all due respect, here are my thoughts. With the damage from water intrusion and delamination, the motorhome is not in "excellent condition" as you state. You really do need to take off your rose colored glasses. The entire structural integrity of the motorhome is compromised, and to many buyers it has no value while to others it is worth its scrap value. Not seeing it and the extent of the damage, it is difficult to know how to price. However, based on your description, cost estimate to repair, and your supplied NADA valuation, I suspect you will get between $3,000 and $8,000 for it.