bobkatmsu wrote:
When you put boards or pads under rear tires, do you put them under all 4 rear tires or is it ok to just put them under the two outside tires?
I've wondered about this, too. If I have enough boards to put under all 4 back tires, I will, but usually, I do not, I just put outside tires up on blocks.
I think this is fine, since you're sitting still, and a good bit of the weight will be handled by the jacks back there, anyway.
If you *can* support all 4 easily, though, you definitely should, as that just means it'll be that much more solid, stable (less shakes inside).
Whats VERY important, though, is that you have the entire tread of the tire under a block, you don't want part of the tread to be hanging over the edge of the block, unsupported. This is very bad for the tire tread, and can lead to a tire's early demise.