hdeddie1 wrote:
I have a 2002 Safari Sahara with 350 Cummins ISC, and recently discovered that my lift pump is leaking at the gasket where it meets the engine block. Just a weep. But want to fix it before it gets worse. I've sourced the pump thru Cummins (337.45), but am wondering about the labor involved. I'm getting quotes all over the place. 2-5 hours, between 80.00 to 130.00 an hour. Not sure which way to go. Or who to trust. I' m in western Washington, soon to be heading to AZ. I go thru Coburg OR on my way. Anybody have any input either here or there or otherwise. Thanks. Ed M. 2002 Safari Sahara.
International truck, in south Mt.Vernon, Or Freight Linner just down the street.
you might try to tighten the bolts.