Forum Discussion

Keily's avatar
Jun 21, 2020

Lippert Slide system on winnebago adventurer 2014

Has anyone ever had any success getting either Winnebago or LCI with assistance in replacement of the slide system on the Adventurer 37F full wall side. I have read it is well known that the Schwintek in wall system is not able to handle the weight of that slide. My 2014 Adventurer is proof of that, for the second time in 3 years my slide is out of line , and does not extend or retract correctly. The first time it happened I paid to have the side rails replaced on the rear of the slide wall now the problem is in the front end. Of course it is out of warranty. When it happened the first time I was lucky enough to be in the United States so it was not difficult to find a place to take it to and get repairs, that is a lot harder to get someone who can handle that job here in Nova Scotia, and it is not very safe to travel with the slide partly sticking out.

I would be very grateful for any feed back.

Thank you very much
  • Thanks for the replies, you have given me some very good advice. Was the retro-fit done at Winnebago in Iowa, or can it be done at any authorized Winnebago Dealership with a good size service department.

    I think I will call Winnebago today and see if they can give me some help me.

    Thanks again
  • I had the same experience and Winnebago retrofitted with the Powergear.
  • The first two owners of my rig fought this battle with Winnebago and the extended warranty broker from the dealership. Eventually the Schwintek mechanisms were replaced by Powergear (which is owned by Lippert). I keep the rails lubricated with CRC with PFT as often as I can, but certainly whenever the rig has sit for a while.
    Those of us with full wall slides know the heart-stop of the wall not moving when activated. So far, mine has worked as advertised to retract and retry.
  • You have a misconception of what the Schwintek does. It DOES NOT support the room at all. The room glides on rollers under the Slide out floor. All the Schwintek mechanism does is move the room out and in. Now, is the Room to heavy for the Schwintek Mechanism to reliably move the room in and out? Yes, I believe the room is too heavy(because it is a full slide room). Now, that is a Winnebago fault because Winne designs those rooms and all Schwintek does is supply the mechanism to move in and out. A lot of OEM's dropped this Scwintek mechanism for full wall slides years ago. Because of the same problem you are experiancing. These problem almost always came up during the warranty period. You need to have paper or e mail contac with Winne about this issue and look on the various Winne RV forums to see what people with your design came up with and maybe Winne replaced the system for those people with another system. AS to your problems, replacing a defective Schwintek is NOT for Service centers and their Techs who do NOT understand the parameters of diag and replacing. There may be issues with HOW the original system was installed and if the replacements were installed exactly where the old flange sides were installed, all that does is continue the original install fault. Which occurs years or miles down the road. You need this RV evaluated by a Service Center that states they KNOW how to diagnois and replace/repair Schwintek in wall systems. I HATED Schwintek when this system came out more than 10 years ago. But after over 10 years of dealing with the system I finally realized that except for bad motors or a possible controller, MOST problems are caused by the OEM and their install. A in wall Schwintek when the system is detached from the outside mount flanges, you (well 2 or 3 if full wall) easily roll the room in and out on the bottom floor rollers. Doug