ORbiker wrote:
Are you still lifting your hind leg?
Did you try unhooking power from the site?
Is there 12v anywhere using a volt meter?
Did the auto level trip something because it was so out of level (safety setting)?
Can you get the high side to come down for the night?
Good luck, KEN
Yep - we are still lifting it! We will have to sleep with our heads at the foot of the bed tonight.
We have decided to live with it tonight. We have a DVD in and have that to watch for now.
Will try everything recommended and anything else that comes along in the morning. Will report if we have any luck. If not we have already looked up and written down mobile RV service companies hear Houston, TX. We are about 60 miles west of there so hopefully one of them will come this far out.
Please keep the suggestions coming folks. Thanks for all of the help!