Deano56 wrote:
jyrostng wrote:
LP gas 101
not really help full to my question
Cylinders Filled By Bleeder Valve
Cylinders filled by fixed liquid level gauge, such as forklift cylinders are not required to be filled by weight. They are subject to visual inspections and recertification requirements like all cylinders but are not filled using a scale. Some companies may use a scale but the standard practice is to use the fixed liquid level gauge (bleeder valve). Once the hose end nozzle is hooked up to the cylinder and the pump is turned on, the bottle filler will wait for liquid to spew out and turn off the pump. The bleeder valve will be closed and the hose will be disconnected. The bleeder valve is the indicator letting the attendant know when the cylinder is full. He's not inadvertently letting propane out of your cylinder but rather following the rules and abiding by the law governing cylinder filling.