Forum Discussion

johnhicks's avatar
Apr 04, 2016


We rolled out today heading down to Texas RV to have the Cummins exhaust manifold replaced and some minor work done, so we're staying in Camp Parking Lot for a few days.

The Barge has a homing instinct; on the way to a shop she'll break something else along the way. Today was the third time doing that.

But this one was exciting; somewhere within 60 miles she blew a leak in a rubber hose leading to the injector pump and when we got to the shop we were pumping diesel fuel onto the ground.

Fortunately this was on the "cool" side of the engine. And although we didn't need it today I'm glad we have one of the big AFFF extinguisher tanks mounted over the engine.
  • Mac the Fire Guy will tell you, once your MH catches fire, you've got 20 seconds to evacuate. Expect the whole rig to be engulfed within 60 seconds. He doesn't joke.

    If it catches fire, you won't need to worry about those old hoses anymore.

    Please watch this video - your life could depend on it!
    Updated RV Safety - Mac The Fire Guy
  • About $5 worth of hose and two clamps fixed it.

    Preemptive replacement isn't particularly feasible; one could go broke replacing all the hoses in this thing.

    A side note; the tech soaked all the manifold bolts in P-Blaster and banged on them yesterday. Late this afternooon he tried to pull one and of course it broke. Things get kinda rusted and stuck together in 23 years.

    We'd anticipated it and ordered new bolts.
  • Went to the FMCA rally in Perry, GA and heard "Mac - The Fire Guy" tell us the 5 major causes of fire in motorhomes. If you drive a diesel pusher, the #1 cause of fire is your engine. #2 cause was the Norcold 1200 model refrigerator.

    The common causes of RV fires