Forum Discussion

I40BOB's avatar
Dec 22, 2014

Marker Lights Out

I have a 2009 Winnebago Access and all the marker lights are out. Headlights, brake lights, 4-way hazards, and turn signals are OK. There are chassis fuses on the cab floor above the brake pedal, some reset buttons on one of the storage compartments, and fuses at the power center in the coach. I can't tell from labels if any of these are for the marker lights and tail lights. Anyone know what to try?
  • klutchdust wrote:
    instead of pulling fuses I like to use a continuity tester across the fuse. Saves pulling them out.

    The circuit resistance itself can fool the continuity tester into saying a fuse is good. This is not a recommended or 100% method!
  • Had a similar incident with my 2008 Winnebago Outlook. Under the hood was a fuse box and one fuse had blown and it was for the lights. Good luck in your search and hope it works out for you. Merry Christmas and happy travels.
  • look on the back of the fuse panel cover there should be a map of the fuse panel.says what fuse does what.
  • instead of pulling fuses I like to use a continuity tester across the fuse. Saves pulling them out. Faster also.

    Sounds like a chassis issue, I would look under the dash first. Also there may be a master fuse box under the engine compartment.
  • look for one marked tail lights ,or start pulling fuses. take a test light and check for power at the pig tail, .