thanks for the replies. I took my rig to a CAT weigh station and that is where i got the numbers. As far as relocating items, that would be difficult. In the back I just have clothes and under the bed I have an aluminum folding chair and other items like TP and paper towel. I have 2 larger compartments on the outside. One toward the rear where i have a BBQ, a bucket, soap and a few other light items. I do have a foam mattress which is heavier than a normal mattress. The other compartment is directly on the rear axle where I have a tool box with a small amount of tools, a socket set and leveling blocks. None of these items can be moved to the smaller compartments outside. I will read the postings above to better understand them, but it appears my biggest issue is that I did not realize Michelin's numbers were per tire so I would need to double the number stated to verify the limits.