The company was on E-Bay and is called Volx-tuning. I did a Google and typed in headlights for 2002 Southwind motorhome. The information came up the headlights were from a 1999 to 2005 VW Golf GTI. I called a VW dealer and then stopped at a NAPA parts store to get the original cost. Then I went to E-Bay and typed in the info on the VW Golf GTI headlights. Pictures of headlights for sale popped up with different prices. Among the ads was the one for Volx-tuning and their glass replacement lenses. There was a video to show how to take the original plastic lenses off the headlights. I am suppose to get the new lenses on April 30th. I have already removed the plastic lenses and am ready to put the new ones on when they arrive.
Typing in the numbers on the lenses for Google didn't help me. But when I took the headlights out I found they were made by Haas, which is a German company.
As I said, this is just a heads up. Just like the Amish coils for the Norcold refrigerator, if you do some investigating you can save some money. I just happen to be one of those people who have experienced a lot of problems and had to learn to be MrDoneIt. From the mufflers falling off on the way home from the dealer, to the gas leak because the filler tube wasn't clamped to the tank neck, to the air conditioner that burned up because the sensor probe wasn't installed in the cooling coils, to the brakes locking up and melting the oil sumps off the wheels, I have experienced the full load.
I had to order a new electric cooling fan that mounted on the front of the radiator/air conditioning coil and the Workhorse guy ask me how many miles I had on my unit. When I said 30,000 he said, "Wow, you don't drive your motorhome much, do you". To which I replied, "Hell, the blasted thing has been under recall for one reason or the other for 6 years. I am surprised it has that many miles on it". I finally bought a set of SS rotors for the front brakes or I still wouldn't be able to drive it.
Happy Camping!