I'd like to update everyone on the results of my $12.00 exhaust redirect. I ended up using it only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
On Monday, half the campground cleared out and we were left isolated over 100 feet from the next RV. At that point, the cheap dryer vent had cracked and was not suitable to transport the exhaust plus the winds had kicked up quite a bit. This was especially a problem for the VIP lot because it was at the top of a hill and the winds were funneled into us.
Because of the high winds, broken dryer vent and lack of neighbors, we simply unhooked the dryer vent and went au naturelle. Had we needed to, we could have patched up the vent with aluminum foil but there was no further need.
Overall, I'm very pleased with the results. Obviously, a real Genturi would be more durable, and would look nicer. But for a one and done cheap solution, I'd highly recommend it. I'm guessing the dryer vent, properly installed would be as effective as the Genturi, properly installed.