Forum Discussion

americanrascal's avatar
Jun 05, 2016

My noodles have failed!

I am facing a problem with my noodle(s).

I faced one of two choices. Either permanently wear a "brain bucket" to protect my head from continual "noggin busting" on my extended slides while accessing exterior compartments --or-- install the all famous "pool "noodles" around the slide edges to buffer the constant beating my head is taking when accessing exterior compartments.

I went the $1 cheap noodle route as I was trying to avoid a fashion statement with my hard hat when visiting CG's.

I cut them through the middle and slid them over the edges of the slides .

All was well until yesterday when hit by our first significant rain since they were installed. The noodles immediately de-noodled from the slides and fell off.

Is there a trick to keeping "noodles" in place where they belong- especially during rain? HELP!
  • I would like to put some sort of corner guard on the slide corners as well. I have not done so yet as I am also worried I will forget and close slide and cause damage to the coach. I wonder if that has ever happened to anyone.
  • Have the continual impacts caused a learning disability?? We have little plastic "hands" that are glued to the corners of the slides. They are intended to go on bathroom mirror cabinet doors to protect the sharp corners, but they work well on the slides. Other than that, 1. wear a hat with some padding. it still hurts, but doesn't cut as deep. 2. get a bicycle helmet. 3. get someone else to get stuff from the compartments, because you hit your head every time you try. 4. review your noodle design. Maybe smaller diameter noodles. or some type of clip to hold them. I have seen table cloth clips made from plastic pipe, there might be a design tere tht would work. Rings cut from the pipe, with a slot on one side??
  • Coming from construction - usually you will remember low member after bumping your head in it 20-30 times.
    Than in winter season you will forget it and start again.
    I have attic with low head clearance and roofing nails sticking down.
    I glued thick Styrofoam on it.