We chose 3 dealers. We went online and got offers. Over a period of 3 weeks we got them all down about avg 30% with 1 coming out on the bottom. WE then walked in and made an offer, going in at 530 in the evening and taking our To-Go meal with us. We ate a leisurely meal and kept looking at the vehicles. Then we found a sales manager and said we wanted to deal with him. It was 11PM when we left the dealer but we had them pulling their hair out and taking their ties off, mopping their faces. It was funny because I'd say "Let's just go and they would Cow-Tow to us. We had them wash-wax it for free in 6 mo and deliver it to our house. We did this the last day of Feb and they wanted that sale for a slow month. You can scare them if you are solid and don't let them fool you.