Try to make sure that the refrigerator is operating normally on propane,110v shore power and generator power. Fridge must be on overnight to cool to proper temperature. Have them demonstrate starting the generator, turning on roof AC, adjusting thermostat, and proper shut down and restart procedures. Test the furnace for proper start up with the thermostat and shut down procedures. Test the water heater for start up and shut down on propane and electric ( if it has electric option). Make sure you understand shore power hookup, automatic or manual transfer from shore to generator power and operation of auxiliary (house) battery on/off switch and operation of converter charger and battery charging. Check whether engine start battery will be charged when rig is plugged into shore power (or not). Have them show you where the low point drains valves are and how to use TV antenna/cable TV devices. Operate all faucets and toilet, and look for any leaks under kitchen and bathroom sinks. Check for proper operation of all exterior door and compartment locks. Check for proper operation of cab heater and AC, radio and vents, windshield wipers and washers, and test drive looking for any
braking, handling, acceleration, vibrations or strange noises.
Have them demonstrate setup and stowage of awning. Don't buy an extended warranty package they are generally full of loopholes and exclusions. Put money in a "Pearl Harbor" account for periodic and unexpected expenses. (Phew!)