Forum Discussion

goufgators's avatar
Feb 14, 2017

New MH tv question...

I recently posted a request for info regarding inability to receive over air stations on tv in new mh. This is a different question: In my old '05 Itasca, there was a 'box' where you punched a button for cable or a button for antenna or a button for satellite. There is no such (that I can find) box on this new 2017 coach. Are these boxes for selecting signal type no longer needed? If so, how are different type signals differentiated by the receiving tv unit? Or, is that necessary? Thanks for any thoughts or comments about this issue.
  • Not sure how your MH is wired, but today's televisions are designed to have an input for Over-the-Air staitions, Satellite, Cable, HMDI inputs, and sometimes even the old style RCA (Yellow-White-Red wires). Then the "Source" is selected on television for whatever you are hooked up to. What use to go into a switch box is all done inside the television now.

    Somewhere, there should be an amplifier for the over-the-air television (antenna) TV (button you push to turn the booster on or off).
  • Now with so many unlimited cellular data plans and great buffers from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and many other stream services, soon enough some of this stuff will probably all be obsolete. We'll just need to "boost" the cell signals or better yet have better cell antennas. Cable runs, dishes to setup, I give it less than 10 years. Local stations are moving in that direction as well.
  • Those boxes were for switching between antenna, vcr, cable, and DVD. This was before DVD with HDMI or BluRay. Satellite has always required a separate run from the ant/cable connection. They are pretty much obsolete now. Antenna and Cable are selected by pressing the little black switch on the antenna booster power supply wall plate now. Booster on you get antenna, booster off you get cable. Of course the TV needs to be on the correct input type before scanning. Satellite comes in with HDMI from your Sat box.
  • You'll still have the OTA amplifier button but as to the selection of TV input, OTC, Cable, or Satellite, that will be done on the TV it's self any more. There should be a button on the controller that's labeled INPUT, or it'll be on a drop down menu on the TV it's self.
  • I remember those boxes also, in fact you can still get an updated verson. That box had nothing to do with your over the air signal it was more a junction box. By using it you did not have to connect and disconnect cables for the different items. Now the way units are wired the ota/cable will enter the unit from the same connection, thus no need for the "box" just push the ant. power button.
  • I thought that for OTA reception they still had the button that lit up to amplify signals, couldn't get cable/etc. with that on. but my experience is from the dark ages. i did have a selection box to choose which source went to which TV set however.