Forum Discussion

  • You cannot post an image that only exists on your local PC. The file must be linked from one of the public web servers. An easy alternative would be to use this link to open a utility created by a forum moderator. Just follow the directions to drag and drop your file and copy the link to paste into your post.
  • Well sorry didn't know this even was posted as couldn't get pictures to work so gave up but anyway I found a wire nut melted in the power cord junction box that goes from the generator to the transfer switch . I haven't been able to start my generator as it was sounding like it dragging so have been looking into getting help from people on this forum who have changed there starter themselves and in that process I noticed the junction box had a little burn on it . Tomorrow I will look at the transfer switch and see if there are any problems with it.
  • I'm a retired Coast Guard Chief Electrician. A melted wire nut is usually caused by it being loose. A loose connection will generate a lot of heat. I suggest cutting back the burnt wires and reconnect them with a new wire nut. If you have a clamp on amp meter, check your amp draw on both hot leads.
  • I don't know what rig you have but when I first bought mine the transfer box smelled burnt. Found out the wire screws were loose so I went out and bought a new transfer box. Was a good thing too, because some the lugs were almost burnt or melted in half and could have caused a fire. R