Why more expensive than Travato?
Looking at interior photos, it appears to be fitted out to a higher trim standard than the Travato, maybe closer to the trim of the ERA.
There is also somewhat more van. The chassis is a higher GVWR, and the turbocharged engine chosen by Winnebago adds about $1900 to the MSRP of the van, compared to the standard V-6 that is more equivalent to the V-6 you get with the Ram Promaster. Even the maxed out GVWR on the Transit adds more than $1500 to the price, compared to a Transit with same GVWR as the Promaster.
But I think the Paseo is starting out with way too high a price, too close to the ERA, which is on the 11,030 GVWR dual rear wheel 24-foot Sprinter, which costs at least $10,000 more for the bare van.