Forum Discussion

bluwtr49's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 05, 2015

New Ventless W/D

We're 2 months into our 5 month summer trip and we're finding out that the Splendide ventless WD doesn't dry as well as the vented model on our previous coach. It's OK but the drying time is quit long...still better than than nothing.

Last week we stopped at Camping World in Coburg and, on a whim, looked at the new Splendide WDC 7100. When I asked the sales rep if it would dry better/faster than our existing 6109 he called Splendide and confirmed that the newer model is much more efficient and would dry 50% faster. Hmmmmm, interesting so I asked if they would guarantee that and he said sure, no problem

Installing a vented model is not an option so my only choice is whether it's worth the $$$$ to make DW happier and that's not really a choice but I'm wondering if the claim of a 50% faster drying time is real.

Has anyone made this switch and/or what are the experiences with the 7100.

Thanks for any input